
Biyernes, Marso 11, 2011

Solar Powered Iphone? Yes Its True!

So, I take my cell phone with me no matter where I go. I consider it a luxury, but I also like to think that I would have it with me in the case of an emergency, like when my brand new car broke down this morning, and I was stuck on the side of the highway. Oh I had my phone alright, but the battery was dead, and the charger was in my other (and I guess, better) car.
Well that wont ever happen to any of us again if Apple has it’s way. According to U.S. patent reports, Apple wants to be able to incorporate solar cells into some of their touch screen products. Can anyone say iPhone 5? Okay, can anyone say iPhone 6 then? Anyway, let’s imagine if you will, the premise of throwing your phone up on the dashboard and having it be ready to go anytime you need it. Awesome.
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Solar Powered iPhone? Yes Please

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